

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Undecided Buckets (The making of...) and google images.

A lot of people think it is easy to make a blog. This is patently untrue. Yes, it is easy to "make" a blog. But you have no idea what I had to go through to provide just the picture of this kitten. Do a little exercise with me(keep in mind i am fat so this will be easy i promise.) Lets say someone asked you to find them an image of a baby cat. Make a quick list of the 5 words you would search in an image search engine to achieve your results. Let me guess, your list looks a little something like this:(first colon of the blog!) babycat,kitty,kitten,pussy,vagina. I'll be honest, i made the same mistake. There are multiple problems with that list, first of all babycat is apparently not a word. Upon being asked if i meant "baby cat"? i replied yes and was seriously dissapointed. Of 25 some images(the first five for each search term) at least 12 i would term as disgusting. (Admittedly 10 of them resulted from, pussy or vagina, which contrary to my uncle's advice are not synonyms for babycat.) 2 I would term as unsettling (featuring prominently a two headed cat alongside a cyclops cat.) And at least another 6 i would call confusing (who gave all these cats guns and taught them to speak?) That leaves exactly 5 usable pictures. I hope that it will be easier to find appropriate pictures for the future posts i have planned concerning hot dogs, bananas, and hammocks. Wish me Luck.

P.S. I google imaged "college scene" to find the picture at the top of the blog...also a mistake.

A brief note on grammar.

I'm not an English major. If you notice that I only use commas and periods, you would be right. I mean occasionally I'll throw in an exclamation point, if i want to get you all super excited! Anyway here is secret number one about liberal arts college. You don't need to know the rules of grammar or punctuation, just pick a famous author who used a unique style and compare yourself to him/her. I usually go with E.E. Cummings (not to be confused with Dave Cummings...i suggest you refrain from a google image search.) This is the honest truth, anytime a professor calls you out for a small mistake, just claim you did it intentionally and you are good to go. I once handed in a paper without a single comma!

The Basics

This is pretty much going to be a freestyle blog, if thats a thing. When i decided to write a blog i was deciding what was something I could write about that people would find interesting. The angle I came up with is that I go to one of the top liberal arts colleges in the nation (true.) I also considered blogging about the fact that my father was the first black astronaut (false.) Hopefully i made the right choice.

Throughout our journey together I'll be sharing some of the little tricks I've learned while at this "esteemed" institution and also just sharing my life. Hope you like it. enjoy.

Welcome to my world.

Some people call me buckets. Welcome to my world.