

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Undecided Buckets (The making of...) and google images.

A lot of people think it is easy to make a blog. This is patently untrue. Yes, it is easy to "make" a blog. But you have no idea what I had to go through to provide just the picture of this kitten. Do a little exercise with me(keep in mind i am fat so this will be easy i promise.) Lets say someone asked you to find them an image of a baby cat. Make a quick list of the 5 words you would search in an image search engine to achieve your results. Let me guess, your list looks a little something like this:(first colon of the blog!) babycat,kitty,kitten,pussy,vagina. I'll be honest, i made the same mistake. There are multiple problems with that list, first of all babycat is apparently not a word. Upon being asked if i meant "baby cat"? i replied yes and was seriously dissapointed. Of 25 some images(the first five for each search term) at least 12 i would term as disgusting. (Admittedly 10 of them resulted from, pussy or vagina, which contrary to my uncle's advice are not synonyms for babycat.) 2 I would term as unsettling (featuring prominently a two headed cat alongside a cyclops cat.) And at least another 6 i would call confusing (who gave all these cats guns and taught them to speak?) That leaves exactly 5 usable pictures. I hope that it will be easier to find appropriate pictures for the future posts i have planned concerning hot dogs, bananas, and hammocks. Wish me Luck.

P.S. I google imaged "college scene" to find the picture at the top of the blog...also a mistake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha, pretty funny. Keep it up.